About Me

 Welcome Friends, Family, and Fellow Backpackers!

Hi ! I'm Nawal. I’m glad you found your way to my blog! It is here that I share my stories,  backpacking tips and my experiences that will hopefully help motivate you to make your own!
 I started documenting my experience on my Wanderer Wonderer Facebook Page and Blog and recently a YouTube channel Wanderer Wonderer mainly because I don't want to forget and secondly because I want to share my experience with the rest of the world.

It might surprises you to learn that I am a relatively ordinary 24-year old girl, who grew up in a relatively ordinary family in the extremely ordinary Town of souk el arba du Gharb. My success as a traveller on a tight budget has been born of hard work, determination and yes, a little bit of luck. I firmly believe that if I can do this, just about anyone can, and I hope my work inspires you not only to travel, but to begin living the life you always wanted.

You have two options here :

1: Read and contemplate my articles , and immerse yourself in the various cultures ! It will help you travel teh world while sitting still.

And / Or

2: Feeling inspired? Get your backpack, grab your passport, and go make your own adventures !

Don’t forget to follow me by email, it will keep you updated on all the latest articles. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel. It will entertain you while you're waiting for a new article to be published ^^ 

Ready to get started? Here are some suggestions. Read on!

The Asian Evil Queens
Wanderer Wonderer: A Tale of a Moroccan Backpacker
Tragedy in Cambodia

5 Reasons you should travel abroad
Wandering Kula Lumpur

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